Saint Luke's is a vibrant and inclusive church, and we are pleased to welcome a wide range of worshipers to our services.
The safety and well being of all members of the Church is of paramount importance to us, and especially the safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.
To this end, our PCC (Parochial Church Council) has, in accordance with Diocesan and National Guidelines, appointed a Safeguarding Officer to oversee all areas of Safeguarding within the Parish.
Our Safeguarding Officer, Lara, can be reached on
07895 701860, or click here to email .
Her contact details are also available on the:
Parish Safeguarding Policy Document.
If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening that you don't like; please click on this link which takes you to the Childline website, or telephone Childline on 0800 1111.
If you are an adult and you need to access support about something that is happening to you, please click on this link:
https://safeguarding.chichester. abused/
...there you will be able to scroll down that page to find links to various support organisations for you to contact.
If you need to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please click on this link: